torsdag 14 juli 2011

Harry Potter - Satanist?

Jag vet att detta är rätt tragiskt men jag kunde bara inte sluta skratta när jag läste det ni hittar i länken nedan.
Visserligen handlar Harry Potter-böckerna om trollkarlar och häxor men satanistiska har jag svårt att se dem som... Att alla dessa böcker handlar om det godas kamp emot det onda och om starka familje- och vänskapsband och att vara snäll mot de som är svagare, mindre och kanske utfrysta har helt glömts bort. Sensmoralen är i mina ögon att godheten vinner i längden och att man ska vara ärlig och alltid göra sitt bästa.
Tydligen är det viktigaste för fundamentalister inom alla religioner att man följer de olika guds böcker. Sen att han har "skrivit" flera som talar emot varandra och alla hävdas vara den enda äkta.... Jag måste erkänna att jag har svårt att förstå troende människor över huvudtaget och kan inte låta bli att tycka att de är naiva som tror på något som vi aldrig märkt av på något sätt alls under flera tusen år. Sen kan jag på sätt och vis tro att de är lyckligare och tryggare än vad jag är. Om man tror på något större än en själv så måste det innebära en oerhört stor trygghet och jag är lite avundsjuk på det. Som hedning tror jag att jag alltid måste påverka mitt liv i en positiv riktning helt utan hjälp från någon annan kraft och det ställer en hel del krav på ens person, ett ansvar man gärna skulle lämna över till någon annan om det var möjligt, kanske en gud?
Klippet är bara en liten del av detta löjliga inlägg i debatten om Harry Potters vara eller icke vara.

There are many books out about Witchcraft but none so cleverly packaged like the latest. Satan is up to his old tricks again and the main focus is the children of the world. The latest craze is a series of books by author J. K. Rowling, known as Harry Potter.
The scramble to get the books is not just for children. Just as many adults are amused and are absorbing the content of these books. And what is sickening, Christians, or so-called Christians, are part of the fan club. I knew nothing of Harry Potter until mail started coming in asking if it was ok for teachers in Christian schools to be reading children books about mythology and witchcraft!!!! Did you read that correctly? In Christian schools!!!!!

Här kommer ännu en otroligt löjlig uppsats om hur Harry Potter lurar barn (och deras föräldrar) i fördärvet. I denna finns direkta lögner, felciteringar och löjliga övertolkningar. Man kan undra hur det kommer sig att dessa människor låtit Astrid Lindgren vara ifred, eller har de inte det?

De stycken som är kursiva och fetmarkerade är antingen felaktiga eller ytterligt absurda. Några av citaten kommer inte ens från böckerna...

A guest essay by Ethel J. Roberts, Author & Critic.
I recently paid a visit to my local shopping centre to confront my local supermarket about the price of a recently-purchased jar of rhubarb, and was sick and disgusted at what I found. Hundreds of children, all lining up like lemmings for the new instalment of The Adventures of Harry Potter: Boy Wizard. This controversial book series has been boycotted by tens of millions of readers worldwide for its promotion of witchcraft. Despite the overwhelming pressure on bookstores and libraries to ban the series, the authorities continue to sit by idly while our youth are secretly corrupted and brainwashed with blatantly pagan and un-Christian ideals.
Hollywood has ignored the overwhelming opposition to the series and released a trilogy of films starring big-name actors such as Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltraine and Christopher Lee. Like the books they were based on, these movies were almost universally regarded by critics (myself included) as a disappointment. Their controversy and failure at the box office were clearly not enough to deter the producers, who show no signs of stopping. J.K. Rowling, the series’ author, continues to write tired, derivative sequels, no doubt in an effort to further brainwash the young audience to fill her devil-horned piggy-bank.
Still not convinced? Here are just a few of the booksmany hidden suggestions of witchcraft, perversion and devil worship:
Dear Mr. Potter… We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Page 42; subtle reference to witchcraft and wizardry)
“‘Thirteen and a half inches. Yes. Powerful want, very powerful, but in the wrong hands…’” (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Page 64; subtle phallic innuendo)
“‘He teaches Potions, but he doesn’t want toeveryone knows he’s after Quirrell’s job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape.’” (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Page 94; traditional practises in witchery and satanic rituals)
“‘I’m not putting them on,’ said old Archie with indignation. ‘I like a healthy breeze round my privates thanks.’” (Harry Potter and the Goblet of First Born Blood, Page 77; A Wizard clearly practicing cross-dressing)
“Harry doesn’t know how long it will take to wash the sticky cream cake off his face. For a civilised young man it is disgusting to have dirt on any part of his body. He lies in the high quality china bathtub, keeps wiping his face, and thinks about Dali’s face, which is as fat as the bottom of Aunt Penny. (
Harry Potter and Leopard Walk Up To Dragon [Chinese Edition], Page 1; fetish/fantasising, poor use of present tense)
“‘Dumbledore had better not find out about this,’ said Ron, as he sacrificed the final chicken to the Lord of Darkness” (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Alakazam, Page 299; clear evidence of Satanic ritual)
I was shocked to see several parents waiting in line for the latest book as well! These oblivious men and women -clearly in a minority- were blissfully unaware that their children were being spoon-fed pure evil under their very noses.
My fellow Christians, I implore you; spread the word of this great injustice. Don’t let our children grow into Satan-worshipping drug dealers. We must stop this evil, before it’s too late.
But don’t take my word for it. Take poor Ashleys.
“I used to believe in what they taught us at Sunday School,” said Ashley, conjuring up an ancient spell to summon Cerebus, the three-headed hound of hell. “But the Harry Potter books showed me that magic is real, something I can learn and use right now, and that the Bible is nothing but boring lies.” (Source: The Onion)
Shame on you, Mr. Rowling. Shame on you.

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